Competitions, records, performances shown in photos with comments ...

Състезания,рекорди,представления показани на  снимки с коментар...
1. Frenchman Herve Diebolt is a participant in the international World Cup styles of beard and mustache held in gr.Gruendau near Frankfurt on September 19, 2009. Over 160 participants competing in 17 categories showing different styles of beard and mustache.

2.Sean Tucker flies with his challenger - Oracle "Butterfly plane turned 180 degrees over Major Nathan Miller of the U.S. Air Force who fly  F/A-18 Blue Angel - 5 (Thursday, 8 October 2009) over the San Francisco Bay. U.S. Navy to demonstrate the Blue Angels squadron and Tucker impressive flying skills. This is a workout before the feast of the Air Force will be held this weekend in San Francisco.

tikva3. In the town of Jackson (USA), Kristy Harpo shows his giant pumpkin. It weighs a record 1,725-kg which ranks first in the competition held in Ohio Giant Pumpkin Atlantic Ocean Township in Jackson, Ohio. Harp took first place in Canfield - Ohio. The giant pumpkin was presented the traditional Fair of agricultural goods. Harpo Christie won $ 2,500 and can claim the world title.Organizers say the contest, so far, the record belonged to 1689-pound specimen grown in 2007 by Joe Dzhutras North Skitueyt.

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