Not Goldfish. Although all believe in it, the memory of goldfish not only lasts a few seconds. Research in the Department of Psychology at the University of Plymouth in 2003 have confirmed beyond doubt that the goldfish remember at least three months and can distinguish shapes, colors and sounds.They have learned to push a lever to get food, even when the lever was adjusted to open only at a certain hour of the day, fish were quickly learned to open it at the right time. There are other studies which showed that goldfish can learn to eat at a certain time and place in response to certain signals.
Goldfish are not pushed into the walls of the aquarium, not because they see them, but because they have a special authority for registration of pressure, called the lateral line. Some totally blind cave fish navigate perfectly devoid of light environment only with the help of this lateral line.
Goldfish are considered cold-water fish and can live in aquariums without a heater in the room temperature comfortable for humans. But goldfish do not like big changes in temperature. For example, office buildings, where night temperatures are quite low compared with those during the day. When I added water to the aquarium is good "new" water is close temperatutra to that of water in the aquarium. For veils goldfishtemperature of about 10 ° C is dangerous for them, but for ordinary goldfish, no problem. Extremely high temperatures(above 30 ° C) is dangerous to goldfish.At high temperatures, however, may be useful in combating protozoan infestations because accelerated life cycle of parasites and thus eliminate it faster. Perfect temperature for goldfish is about 25 ° C.
With regard to the myths of goldfish, pregnant goldfish is not and can not be called "Twit". Goldfish do not get pregnant - they lay eggs, which males fertilize the water
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