What African animal kills more people high?

Кое африканско животно убива хай-много хора?
Unfortunately, hippos love to slowly settle around rivers with grassy banks, just as horata.Povecheto accidents happen because someone or hit the paddle immersed in water hopopotam or because people go out at night where hippos graze brega.Da be trampled by the startled hippo is not a heroic way to die.
Before hippos were considered relatives of pigs, but now finds that they are close to whales. There are two types of hippos,and ordinary pygmies. The ordinary hippo is the third largest land animal after the African and Indian elephant. Any wild animal attacks hipopotama.Toy very irritable animal, especially when small.hipopotam
Coping with lions zamakva them in the water and drown them with crocodiles biting them so that it rips into two sharks and throwing them on the beach and stapkva them. Otherwise, the hippo is vegan and his aggression is associated only with self-defense.eats only grass. Only skin weighs about a ton. It is 4 cm thickimpenetrable to bullets of most ordinary rifles and constitute one quarter of the total weight of the animal. She released a red oily liquid, which protects it from drying out, and it makes people to believe that hippos earn a bloody sweat.
Do not be fooled by their trunk. Adult ekzemplyat easily nadbyagva man. Hippos are the only mammals except whales and dolphinsthat mate and give birth to their young underwater. They can close their nostrils, ears flattened to and remain completely submerged in water for 5 min. hippos have terrible bad breath. When it seems that they yawn, they actually drove all around him with a warning odor.
This is not bad to know - teeth that are sharp and trunk can easily break a limb. They are only 4 in number and are of ivory. Dental prosthesis of George Washington was made of hipopotamovi zabi.Spored Oxford catalog of foods most - taste of Hippo is the meat of the breast, napecheno with herbs and spices. Moreover, good for eating and back muscles.

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